Repairs and Damages
Students needing repairs or technical assistance should take their Chromebooks to the library. In most cases, students will receive a loaner Chromebook to use while their Chromebook is out for repair. There are times when the demand for loaner Chromebooks exceeds the number available.
Device Damage Process - Damage is defined as breakage not covered by warranty.
First Damage
Incident created, loaner given out.
An invoice for damages is given to the student and emailed home once the Chromebook is returned by Technology Services
Second Damage
Incident created, loaner given out
The student is put on “Warning” and has weekly check-ins with an administrator or ITRT.
An invoice at full cost is distributed to parents and the student.
A phone call to a parent/guardian is made by an administrator.
Third Damage/Or Lost Chromebook
Incident created
A loaner Chromebook is NOT provided for the student.
Student completes work on paper. In situations where that is not possible, the student will use a computer in the library or a Chromebook assigned to a teacher for use only in that teacher's classroom.
The student issued Chromebook will be returned to the student after a period of no less than four weeks and not to exceed nine weeks.
An invoice at full cost is distributed to parents and the student.
A phone call to a parent/guardian is made by an administrator.